Jani’s cousin got married last week in Kanyakumari (which is the southernmost tip of India) and Jani flew there on Saturday (25th Jan) for the event. Since I couldn’t take the whole week off I got there later by driving down from Bangalore to Kanyakumari. (Basically it was an excuse to do a solo road trip).
In total I drove 1640 kms in 4 days with ~22 hours of driving in total over 4 days. I started from Bangalore at 6:15am on Wednesday and reached the venue at ~5:30pm. The road was well maintained throughout as I took NH-44 most of the way. There is construction ongoing in places for flyovers which required minor detours/bad roads but other than that I could consistently drive at 100 without having to worry about random obstructions. This was the first trip where I drove for such a long time alone and before I started I was a little worried that I would get bored on the way but once I started it was really zen to just listen to music and drive.
One annoying aspect of the trip was Google Maps. It used to be really good but slowly Google has been removing functionality from the app and that gets annoying. Cory Doctorow calls this process Enshittification and this was a prime example of it. Earlier when you searched for directions between two points the app would allow you to drag and change the route. In addition it would also show all routes we could take everytime but now it will randomly select a path without the option to change or even see how long other routes would take. This time Google decided for some reason that NH-44 was closed for all traffic and kept insisting I take another route that would add ~3-4 hours to the travel time. As first I was able to force it to show the NH-44 path by putting the phone in Airplane mode before asking for directions (I had downloaded the maps locally) but even that stopped working after a while. Thankfully by then I was on NH-44 only so I just ignored the instructions to turn off into random directions and forced the map to update. Not a super critical issue in this instance because it was a straight route and I knew the way but could have been a big issue if I was going to a new place. I think I am going to explore openmaps in the near future to see if they give a better experience.

Jani and me at the Engagement

Jani and me posing in Traditional clothes
I reached Kanyakumari just in time to go change and head out to the Engagement which was a simple event. Usually I end up wearing suit’s for weddings but this time I wanted to wear more traditional clothes so I wore a Kurta instead of Jeans which had an added benefit of being a lot more cooler & comfortable than a suit. I was pretty zonked out during the event as it was in Tamil but still managed to stay awake for all of it.

The wedding party in pure white
The next day was an early start for the actual wedding. It was an interesting experience since it was the first Christian wedding I attended. My expectations were based on what I have seen in the movies but as both bride and groom are Pentecostal Christians the wedding was quite different than what I was expecting. It was an extremely simple wedding with no jewellery or bright color clothes. In-fact the entire wedding party was dressed in White on the day of the wedding. I had initially planned to wear a Sherwani for the wedding but decided to wear a golden kurta instead as it was just too hot to wear a Sherwani. Even then I was one of the few spots of color in the wedding.

Wedding selfie with cousins, niece and grand-daughter
After the wedding during which they didn’t allow any photos to be taken we all changed to more casual clothes and then drove from the venue to Tuticorin which is where the boy’s side of the family is based. We ended up starting quite late due to the various events/ceremonies and reached Tuticorin really late night after 11pm. After another photoshoot I went and crashed while the rest of the folks stayed up really late to chat and hang out.

Posing in traditional Vesti & shirt combo
Next morning we had a relaxed start of the day as the reception was scheduled for 11am. For this event I wore a traditional vesti and short combination. We had planned this as a surprise for the rest of the family. I was a bit worried that the Vesti would fall off but the new versions have velcro so it was safe and I didn’t flash anyone 🙂 . Funnily enough I was the only one wearing a vesti because for the rest of the folks it was daily-wear so they all were wearing suit-tie combo while I was in a Vesti. I think I was a lot more comfortable because a vesti is as per the local climate and quite well ventilated. I was feeling sorry for the folks in full suits.

Group pic on the way to the reception
After lunch and getting our pics taken we and Jani’s cousins decided to step out for a bit because by then it was just folks coming on stage for pics with the couple and that got boring after a while. Thankfully for the reception folks were dressed in colors other than white. The beach was nice but I couldn’t go in the water as I still had to go back to the reception afterwards. We spent about a hour at the beach and then headed back to the event by which time the newly weds were more than ready to head back home.

Jani and me at the Beach
We dropped them at home and changed into more comfortable clothes. At this time all the functions were done so a few of us stepped out for a bit of shopping followed by dinner. Post dinner I again crashed early because I had an early start planned while Jani hung out with the rest of the family.
The next day started really early and I left by 6:15am which was a good thing as I avoided most of the inner city traffic. The drive back was uneventful and I reached home by 3:10pm which was a pretty good time and had lunch after which I crashed and only woke up the next day morning.
– Suramya