Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

August 19, 2024

Raksha Bandhan over the years

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 11:32 PM

Yesterday was Rakhi and as folks know I have a lot of sisters so end up with a ton of Rakhi’s being tied on my hand. For those who don’t know, Rakhi or Raksha Bandhan as it is formally called is a Hindu festival where sisters tie a talisman or amulet called the rakhi around the wrists of their brothers who symbolically protect them and receive a gift in return. The sisters do a Tilak, tie the Rakhi and then give a piece of sweet. My sisters don’t know how to give just a piece of sweet so I usually have a full laddu/other sweets (usually quite large) stuffed in my mouth for every Rakhi being tied.

It is an annual event and so I felt like sharing some Rakhi pics from over the years. I don’t have the pics from 1986-1994 and a few other years as they are not yet digitized:

1985, Surabhi tying the Rakhi on her own for the first time





















I am blessed to have so many sisters and loving family to support me in life.

– Suramya

July 29, 2024

Detecting AI-Generated Videos using MISLnet

Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 11:43 PM

With new technology and ‘AI’ it is becoming easier and easier to create fake images that look realistic enough to fool the casual eye. The problem is that this can be used to promote lies or scams etc. So we need to be able to identify if a given image is AI generated or real. Unfortunately, this is something that is easier said than done because as soon as the detector comes up with a way to identify fake images, the generators make changes to fix the issue resulting in a on-going game of whack-a-mole. That being said, it is important that we can identify and there is a lot of fascinating work that is happening in this space.

In an actually useful implementation of AI, researchers have trained a system called MISLnet that searches for statistical traces left in synthetic images by their source generator. It looks for relationships between pixel color values that are present in images taken by a digital camera which are not there in the AI generated image. This allows the system to identify AI generated images with over 98% accuracy.

I read the paper Beyond Deepfake Images: Detecting AI-Generated Videos(PDF) and honestly a lot of it went over my head. But based on tests it seems that MISLnet does perform well in identifying AI generated images.

The new tool the research project is unleashing on deepfakes, called “MISLnet”, evolved from years of data derived from detecting fake images and video with tools that spot changes made to digital video or images. These may include the addition or movement of pixels between frames, manipulation of the speed of the clip, or the removal of frames.

Such tools work because a digital camera’s algorithmic processing creates relationships between pixel color values. Those relationships between values are very different in user-generated or images edited with apps like Photoshop.

But because AI-generated videos aren’t produced by a camera capturing a real scene or image, they don’t contain those telltale disparities between pixel values.

The Drexel team’s tools, including MISLnet, learn using a method called a constrained neural network, which can differentiate between normal and unusual values at the sub-pixel level of images or video clips, rather than searching for the common indicators of image manipulation like those mentioned above.

The tool specifically targets images taken with a digital camera. It does not take into consideration that the image might have been taken by an Analog camera or is a scan of a printed images. In both those scenarios the relationships between pixel color values that the tool uses to identify real images will not exist, potentially leading the tool to falsely classify the image as fake or AI generated.

That being said, this is pretty interesting research and I am looking forward to testing the tool once it is released for general use.

Source: Schneier on Security: New Research in Detecting AI-Generated Videos

– Suramya

July 1, 2024

Being jealous or controlling who all are in your partners life doesn’t show your love towards them

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 4:45 PM

I saw the following in the status message of someone I know and while most of it is stuff I could ignore, one line caught my eye and annoyed me enough to post about it. Specifically I am talking about “When a Woman stops getting jealous or No longer asks about the other women in your life”. A person can have friends of the opposite gender as friends and I refuse to accept that you are showing your love/affection/care by being the person who questions every other woman in the person’s life.

If you think that the only way to show your love to your partner is to be jealous of their other friends and controlling who gets to be in their life then I am sorry, you don’t have a loving relationship, what you have is an abusive relationship where you are trying to control who the other person can talk to / meet with because you are a deeply insecure person.

Jani and I deeply love each other and I can’t recall a single instance of either of us questioning the other about their friends or women/men in our lives. We have never questioned each other about who the other person is hanging out with and what they are doing when out. Most of the times we meet folks together but there have been times when we meet people without the other person present and the most we ask the other person is “what time are you planning to be back home?” by. I have had friends crash at my place when Jani wasn’t around and it was a non-event in our life, the same way it was when she has had people crash here when I was traveling without me questioning her about it. We are together because we trust each other not because we are controlling the other person. If the only reason your partner doesn’t cheat on you is because you are controlling the people in their life then you are deluding yourself and you should reevaluate your relationship with the person.

When you question the other person about the people in their life you are not showing your love, you are showing that you don’t trust them. Which as you can imagine is not a good way to build a relationship. The following (or variations of it) keep showing up as ‘jokes’ online and personally I feel sorry for people who are so deeply insecure that they can’t trust their partner to be faithful. If that is the case then why are you still with them? It would be better to leave them and be with someone with who you can be your authentic self without worrying about the other person flipping out just because you happened to meet a friend for a coffee or a drink.

I rather trust a car with no brakes than 'he is just a friend'
I rather trust a car with no brakes than ‘he is just a friend’

One other explanation for this behavior is that they are projecting what they would do in a similar scenario and thus are suspicious and jealous. Basically they know how they would act and are expecting everyone else also to behave the same way. I see this in a lot of couples and when I can I do try to advise them that this kind of behavior only pushes the other person away.

Obviously I don’t mean that you ignore obvious signs that the person is cheating. If you think that the person is cheating you should check and verify that because in some of the cases, the person is actually cheating on you. In which case you need to decide if you are ok with it or you rather get out of it. Personally I would choose the second option but in either case being jealous and controlling is not the right reaction. What you shouldn’t do is be jealous of every single person in their life just because you think that shows your love towards them.

– Suramya

June 28, 2024

Multiple interviews are not just a formality

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 7:57 PM

Interviews are stressful no matter which side of the table you are sitting. But till you join no interaction you do with anyone from the company should be done lightly, you need to behave in an absolute professional manner throughout the process. I saw the following screenshot in my feed and just had to comment on it as this is a really bad take.

Well, yes. Yes I do. Typically, if I get past interview 2 I assume the rest of the interviews are just dilly dallying. You shouldn't need 7 interviews to decide between candidates. If you can't discern the best candidate within 2 or 3 interviews tops, you can't interview. So it makes sense to assume that i you made it to interview 4, 5, or 6 let alone 7 you are indeed the top candidate and all interviews past 3 are just a time-lengthening, budget and paperwork approval exercise.

Well, yes. Yes I do. Typically, if I get past interview 2 I assume the rest of the interviews are just dilly dallying. You shouldn’t need 7 interviews to decide between candidates. If you can’t discern the best candidate within 2 or 3 interviews tops, you can’t interview. So it makes sense to assume that i you made it to interview 4, 5, or 6 let alone 7 you are indeed the top candidate and all interviews past 3 are just a time-lengthening, budget and paperwork approval exercise.

– Elisa from BrainDrip

I assure you that no interviewer wants to be taking interviews just for the fun of it. We have enough work that needs to be done that if we can save time by not having another interview that would be perfect from my perspective. The max no of interviews I have given for a single position was 7 even though 4 of them were done in the same day. In this case the first two rounds were technical. Then the next round was by the local manager and then another one with the global manager. Then we had the FIT interview with the unit head and another with their Indian counterpart. Finally we had the HR round and then we closed the interview. Each of them covered different skillsets and yes theoretically speaking we could have merged some of the interviews but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it was possible or even desired.

Thinking that you don’t need to expend effort because its the 3rd or 4th round is an almost sure shot way to ensure that you don’t move to the next round. Like I said earlier every interaction you have with anyone from the company needs to be with full focus and courtesy. I remember reading about a company where the owner would take feedback from the receptionist on how the candidates behaved with her to screen out unfit candidates. So if someone was rude or insulting in the interactions with the receptionist they would get rejected. I have had candidates rejected in the last round because information came up in that round that made us decide not to go ahead with the candidate.

I am not saying that the process can’t be optimized but until that happens the worst thing you can do is become complacent.

– Suramya

June 27, 2024

What’s the Difference Between Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads?

Filed under: Interesting Sites,My Thoughts,Tech Related — Suramya @ 11:39 PM

When Twitter was taken over by Musk a lot of us folks moved to alternatives because of the change in the quality and tone of Twitter. In the early days many alternatives were created but now the field has narrowed down quite a bit and the main alternatives are: Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads. I have accounts on both Mastodon and Bluesky but primarily use Mastodon as most of the security and Tech experts migrated to Mastodon. Some interesting folks are there on Bluesky as well but for some reason I don’t find it as interesting to scroll the feed over there.

If you are not aware of the apps you might wonder what is the difference between them, EFF (Electronic Freedom Foundation) did a great write up on the various alternatives to Twitter and you can check out the article here.

– Suramya

June 20, 2024

Some thoughts on the current AI hype market

Filed under: Artificial Intelligence,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 11:22 PM

Found this hilarious but accurate write up on AI and how the current Hype is spoiling the industry: I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again. It is a little rude, filled with profanity but accurately covers the current state of AI. It is filled with gems such as:

So it is with great regret that I announce that the next person to talk about rolling out AI is going to receive a complimentary chiropractic adjustment in the style of Dr. Bourne, i.e, I am going to fucking break your neck. I am truly, deeply, sorry.

Unless you are one of a tiny handful of businesses who know exactly what they’re going to use AI for, you do not need AI for anything – or rather, you do not need to do anything to reap the benefits. Artificial intelligence, as it exists and is useful now, is probably already baked into your businesses software supply chain. Your managed security provider is probably using some algorithms baked up in a lab software to detect anomalous traffic, and here’s a secret, they didn’t do much AI work either, they bought software from the tiny sector of the market that actually does need to do employ data scientists. I know you want to be the next Steve Jobs, and this requires you to get on stages and talk about your innovative prowess, but none of this will allow you to pull off a turtle neck, and even if it did, you would need to replace your sweaters with fullplate to survive my onslaught.

Consider the fact that most companies are unable to successfully develop and deploy the simplest of CRUD applications on time and under budget. This is a solved problem – with smart people who can collaborate and provide reasonable requirements, a competent team will knock this out of the park every single time, admittedly with some amount of frustration.

Most organizations cannot ship the most basic applications imaginable with any consistency, and you’re out here saying that the best way to remain competitive is to roll out experimental technology that is an order of magnitude more sophisticated than anything else your I.T department runs, which you have no experience hiring for, when the organization has never used a GPU for anything other than junior engineers playing video games with their camera off during standup

The current hype and insistence by companies to insert AI capabilities in everything whether it is needed or not is getting to the point where it is actively annoying and in some cases dangerous. The recent attempted release of Recall + Copilot by Microsoft is a good example of dangerous. Then we have companies releasing AI powered BIOS , that “interpret the PC user’s request, analyze their specific hardware, and parse through the LLM’s extensive knowledge base of BIOS and computer terminology to make the appropriate changes to the BIOS Setup. This breakthrough technology helps address a major hurdle for PC users that require or desire changes to their BIOS Setup for their personal computers but do not fully understand the meaning of the settings available to them.

I really don’t need AI in my mouse or use AI to create a perfect smoothie or the thousand other things folks are shoving AI into. ChatGPT can’t do simple addition or multipications and keeps making up stuff. Google’s AI Gemini recommends that people add glue to their pizza’s, it misidentified a poisonous mushroom as an edible one and there are many many more such cases out there (I have posted some examples earlier).

The problem is that folks (grifters to be honest) are selling AI as the cure all for all problems a company wants to solve. This is overshadowing the actual work being done in the field which is solving actual problems and use cases.

What we have right now is Machine Learning that has a good track record in predicting responses, but it is nothing close to being intelligent. A cat has more intelligence in it than the current ‘AI’. This is not to say that we won’t have AI systems in the future. I have been hearing the claim that AI is just around the corner for about 25 years now but we are not there yet.

June 19, 2024

Yet another example of why strict data privacy controls are needed everywhere

Filed under: My Thoughts,Tech Related — Suramya @ 11:35 PM

Here is yet another example of why we need data privacy and rules to protect the data that is collected about us. In this case a person snooped on the mobile data history of potential dates before going out with them.

I work for one of the most popular mobile providers in the country. Back when I was dating a few months ago, I'd check the lad's mobile data history at work to see what sort of porn they watch on their phones. Helped me to weed out and ghost a couple of freaks

I work for one of the most popular mobile providers in the country. Back when I was dating a few months ago, I’d check the lad’s mobile data history at work to see what sort of porn they watch on their phones. Helped me to weed out and ghost a couple of freaks

This is absolutely an invasion of privacy but still something a lot of us would do if we had the access to a system that gives us this information. I mean it is human nature to be curious and if we could most people would end up doing something like this and that is why Banks have strict policies and controls around looking up data that you shouldn’t be looking into like financial transactions or bank balances.

It would have expected the ‘most popular’ mobile provider to have controls around who can access such data. But even if the controls limit who can access the data it doesn’t solve the full problem because it doesn’t stop the people authorized to view the data from misusing it. The latin phrase ‘Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?‘ (Who will watch the watchmen?) highlights this problem. People who have official access can (and do) misuse that access and we have seen this misuse multiple times, folks in law enforcement have used their access to track and research their significant others, other folks have stalked celebrities and there are many more such examples..

That is why in addition to restricting access there needs to be a regular audit of the access requests made into the system and sign off to ensure people are not misusing the data. In my previous companies, we had to review audit logs for production access and sign off on the access (for the systems we were responsible for). For obvious reasons people couldn’t signoff on their own access requests.

Data Privacy is very important and because of the amount of data that companies collect about us it is a dangerous situation. In the ideal world they would not be storing this data in the first place but since that is not going to happen anytime soon we need to ensure that we build legal/technical frameworks around the systems so that the potential for misuse is reduced.

– Suramya

June 18, 2024

Indian Startup Agnikul successfully launched worlds first fully 3D printed engine

Filed under: Astronomy / Space,Emerging Tech,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 5:27 PM

3D Printing is one of the few technologies from the last decade that has come close to accomplishing what it promised, some of the more Sci-fi style stuff is still in the works (Like 3D printing food) but for the most part it does what it promised unlike some of the other ‘ground-breaking’ tech like blockchain, NFT etc. etc. Folks have used 3D printing to print houses, sculptures, prosthetic eye and more.

On 30th May another major milestone was achieved proving the technology’s usefulness. An Indian Company called Agnikul tested its 3D printed Rocket by successfully launching it from the Satish Dhawan Space Center. The launch was a test of the engine block which was the world’s first rocket engine 3D printed as a single piece. The engine took just 72 hours to print and another two weeks to integrate with other systems. The rocket generated 6 kilonewtons of thrust during the test and flew 6.5 Kms into the air.

Now that the technology has been proven, the company is starting work on their commercial implementation of the engine called Agnibaan (Fire Arrow). Agnibaan will feature eight rockets and will be capable of carrying a 300-kilogram payload to an altitude of around 700 km. The configuration of the rocket will be modular allowing the team to configure it according to need.

In addition to being the worlds first 3D printed engine, Agnibaan was also India’s first launch from a privately owned launch pad. Thus far, all space launches were carried out from one of the two ISRO launch pads at Sriharikota. Agniaan on the other hand launched from a custom built launch pad called Dhanush (Bow). Dhanush is designed to support full mobility across all configurations of Agnibaan and is meant to be reusable.

With more private companies entering the market the Space Age has truly started in India.

Source: IEEE: Indian Startup 3D Prints Rocket Engine in Just 72 Hours


June 13, 2024

Denmark recalls Instant ramen noodles because they are ‘too spicy’

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 7:18 PM

I have always thought that the food in most western countries was insufficiently spicy and in some places felt like they just boiled the food before serving it. This was a great problem for me during my years in the US till I discovered Mexican food and I have similar issues in other western countries as well.

I was surfing the web earlier today and found this news article that talks about how Denmark is recalling three flavors of instant ramen noodles because they were too spicy and it made me laugh. Even better was the response from the company (emphasis added by me):

We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they were too spicy,” Samyang told the BBC News. “The products are being exported globally. But this is the first time they have been recalled for the above reason.”

The recall note states:

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration says that the amount of the chili pepper extract in one pack of 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken, or Hot Chicken Stew “is so high that they pose a risk of the consumer developing acute poisoning.”

“If you have the products, you should discard them or return them to the store where they were purchased,” the agency implores

Considering the folks there think a dish spiced with just pepper is too spicy this is not too surprising but is funny. I wonder how the MTR Ready to Eat Meals would fare over there. My guess is that it would face similar issues unless the spice level was reduced drastically.

Source: Instant ramen recalled for being too spicy

– Suramya

June 6, 2024

IndiGo Launches Female Friendly Seat Selections

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 12:01 PM

Travel can be a pain for women because there are enough idiots in the world who will take the opportunity of a woman seated next to them to make them miserable for the entire flight by making unwelcome advances etc. IndiGo recently launched a program to try to address this issue. If the ticket is being booked for a female passenger then the system will show them the seats that are already occupied by women. This allows the passenger to book a seat that is next to a lady passenger. I first noticed this when I was checking in Jani for her flight. The below screenshot shows what it looks like:

Female Friendly seat selection option

I think this is a good move but as with all things there is an easy way to game the system so men can ensure they are seated next to a lady. Basically, I need to open two windows. In one window I would search for a flight ticket pretending to be a lady passenger. Since the payment is not required till after we do a seat selection I get to see which seats are occupied by women. Then I cancel the process and start a fresh one with the actual passenger details picking a seat next to a lady.

There is no easy way to detect and block this. One option would be to allow the seat selection only after making the payment for the ticket but that would mean folks would have to make a second payment for the seat selection as most of the options are paid ones, which would not be a user friendly experience.

Even with that, this is a good move and should help make the flights more comfortable for women.

Source: NDTV: IndiGo Launches Female-Friendly Seat Selection Option. Here’s What It Means

– Suramya

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