We are nowhere near having an actual AI, the current implementations we have are not even as intelligent as a cat or a dog forget humans. We do have amazing work being done on Machine Learning and Predictive software but nothing is even close to being intelligent. What we have right now is a scholastic parrot pretending to generate amazing information. To top it all, all the grifters are out in force scamming people by claiming AI is the cure for everything, the same way NFT’s and Blockchain were going to cure all the ills of the world.
I have been hearing claims that AI is ready to replace developers/low paid jobs etc for over 25 years now with similar results at the end of the day. Some of the examples I found over the past few weeks showcasing the amazing power of AI:
‘sun’ & ‘den’ are 4 character words as per AI
Would you like a Bananum?
The Entire Devin AI demo was faked. The developers lied about the entire thing and made a ton of money
Yup, we can totally say that an irrational number with never ending decimal places after 3 has the last 5 digits as ‘65359’
There are so many more of these examples I can share… Please don’t buy into the hype, look at the facts and make a decision.
– Suramya
[…] I really don’t need AI in my mouse or use AI to create a perfect smoothie or the thousand other things folks are shoving AI into. ChatGPT can’t do simple addition or multipications and keeps making up stuff. Google’s AI Gemini recommends that people add glue to their pizza’s, it misidentified a poisonous mushroom as an edible one and there are many many more such cases out there (I have posted some examples earlier). […]
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