Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

June 13, 2024

Denmark recalls Instant ramen noodles because they are ‘too spicy’

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 7:18 PM

I have always thought that the food in most western countries was insufficiently spicy and in some places felt like they just boiled the food before serving it. This was a great problem for me during my years in the US till I discovered Mexican food and I have similar issues in other western countries as well.

I was surfing the web earlier today and found this news article that talks about how Denmark is recalling three flavors of instant ramen noodles because they were too spicy and it made me laugh. Even better was the response from the company (emphasis added by me):

We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they were too spicy,” Samyang told the BBC News. “The products are being exported globally. But this is the first time they have been recalled for the above reason.”

The recall note states:

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration says that the amount of the chili pepper extract in one pack of 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken, or Hot Chicken Stew “is so high that they pose a risk of the consumer developing acute poisoning.”

“If you have the products, you should discard them or return them to the store where they were purchased,” the agency implores

Considering the folks there think a dish spiced with just pepper is too spicy this is not too surprising but is funny. I wonder how the MTR Ready to Eat Meals would fare over there. My guess is that it would face similar issues unless the spice level was reduced drastically.

Source: Instant ramen recalled for being too spicy

– Suramya

May 22, 2024

Can’t tell if this guy is serious or just a troll

Filed under: Humor — Suramya @ 11:53 PM

It used to be quite easy to figure out when people were being serious or just posting nonsense because they are trolling. Unfortunately that is no longer the case. We have folks who actually believe that there are no such things are birds, others still insist that the earth is flat, still others think that Reptilian overlords have replaced humans in power to control humanity and so many more conspiracy theories.

But this one is just… wow! I honestly can’t tell if the guy is serious or not. I looked at their twitter feed and still couldn’t tell.

Christians against Satellites

If this is not a troll posting then they need serious help…

– Suramya

April 17, 2024

When an Engineering Manager submits a PR

Filed under: Humor — Suramya @ 10:48 AM

Saw this in my feed and it made me laugh:

When the team lets the engineering manager submit a PR. 33 year old fruit bat with arthritis goes on 'flights' to keep him active
When the team lets the engineering manager submit a PR

Dedicated to all the other EM’s out there. 🙂

– Suramya

December 7, 2023

Rice with Ketchup, Why??

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 11:59 PM

Why would anyone eat plain rice with Ketchup??? There are so many awesome things that you can add to rice to eat it with. No one I know or for that matter no one from the entire Asia, Africa, South American and maybe the Europe will try to eat plain rice with Ketchup… Even in the US most people would eat rice with some sort of gravy or sauces etc.

Ketchup doesn’t exist, what are y’all adding to this?

This is most probably a joke but remembering what some of the folks in the Western countries consider to be good food, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were folks who would eat plain rice with Ketchup.

– Suramya

November 21, 2023

How to get people to spend less time in the toilet

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 3:51 PM

If you have had a roommate who takes ages in the bathroom because they are busy catching up on social media or a company who wants their employees to spend less time on breaks there are a few anti-user designs that people have been pushing over the past few years. Such as a slanted toilet designed to make it painful to sit on for more than 5 minutes and other such hacks.

I have a better way to ensure people are not spending too much time in there. All you have to do is ensure that the Wifi and Mobile data connectivity in there is poor and folks will automatically stop spending too much time in there. This idea came to me when I was stuck in such a restroom with very limited cellphone coverage and poor wifi signal.

Obviously this is a joke post not meant to be taken seriously so please don’t do this to your workers. 🙂 Yes, I am zonked out due to all the travel I have been doing. Why do you ask?

– Suramya

November 1, 2023

Why do developers confuse Halloween for Christmas?

Filed under: Humor — Suramya @ 1:56 AM

Why do developers confuse Halloween for Christmas?
Because OCT31 = DEC25.
Merry Christmas!!! 🎄🎁

Extremely corny but funny: (i.e. just the kind of joke I love) 🙂


– Suramya

October 27, 2023

Tech Bro discovers Hanging out

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 10:58 AM

The more I read about these so called geniuses or TechBro’s as they are called, the more I feel that they are living in their own fantasy world with little to no contact with the actual real world. Take the following as an example:

Tech Bro discovers Hanging out

What he is describing in fancy words is a group of friends hanging out, something that I have been doing since the late 80’s and others have been doing for millennia. Other such geniuses have re-invented the bus, dorms, Roommates etc etc etc.

They are so out of touch and surrounded by yes-men that they think they are the world’s smartest and have the cure for all ills. Not realized that they are just regurgitating fixes for problems that have been solved for years or rebranding things people have been doing for ages.

– Suramya

October 6, 2023

This is why you should never Throw out old cables

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 6:00 PM

This was posted in our Apartment Complex Whatsapp Group:

Hi anyone got VGA to VGA cable. Need to try something before i buy one. I disposed the one I had, actually my wife made me do it
Hi anyone got VGA to VGA cable. Need to try something before i buy one. I disposed the one I had, actually my wife made me do it

I am going to be using this to justify not emptying the cupboard full of cables and old computer equipment that I have 🙂

– Suramya

September 28, 2023

Bing thinks that windows command line is bad enough to require directing people to suicide prevention hotline

Filed under: Humor — Suramya @ 4:25 PM

Windows Command line setup is bad enough that Bing suggests calling suicide prevention hotline when someone searches for how to kill a process from the windows commandline.

Bing suggests calling suicide prevention hotline when users ask how to kill a process from the commandline in windows.

This is what you get when you have a hard coded list of ‘trigger words’ for displaying a help card. I think they are checking for the keyword ‘kill’ and just displaying the message without looking at the context of the rest of the search query. I tried searching for it myself and I got a similar response but with the Indian hotline numbers.

Same search in Bing from India gives the Indian hotline numbers

– Suramya

September 27, 2023

CERN has an OnlyFans page

Filed under: Humor,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 1:48 AM

Apparently CERN has an onlyfans Page which they call ‘The Fantilator Page’ and it is impressive.

Example pic from the page with 46 fans (and 2 power supplies)

Check it out if you have a few mins to kill

– Suramya

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