Today is World Book Day and it’s the perfect time to post this. As you know due to Covid-19, the entire world has been turned Topsy-turvey and has impacted people worldwide, this includes book authors as well since they are unable to go out and promote their books so the season’s biggest books are not getting their time in the spotlight. In addition to the lack of limelight a lot of people are also cutting down on their book purchases so that they can focus on surviving this pandemic.
In India because of the lockdown all shops are closed and Amazon can’t deliver books as they are not considered “Essential Items”, since a lot of the authors I like are international ones who are not available in India but are only available via Amazon or Flipkart I can’t get any new books. Yes, I know I can buy e-books but I prefer paper books and don’t want to spend twice on the same book. So I reached out on Twitter to John Scalzy & Mary Robinette Kowal, who is the president of the SFWA (Science Fiction Writers of America) to ask them following question on how I could support Authors during this time:
“Hi @scalzi , @MaryRobinette Is there an official list of patreon’s for various authors? I tried searching but couldn’t find any. if not can we start a list?
Can’t order books right now due to Corona as both local stores & Amazon are closed. But still wanted to support.”
I followed the tweet with links to the Pateron links that I could find and the whole thing just exploded, I got a huge no of comments and views with links to various Patreon’s. Since Twitter is a bad medium to keep something meant for a long term, I am consolidating the list here on my Blog and will keep updating it as and when I find new links for Patreons.
The list is strongly leaning towards Science Fiction & Fantasy since that’s what I mostly read but am open to listing other genres author’s as well. Please note that while I did basic due-deligence on the links I expect you to verify the links as authentic before you start sending them money. Please let me know if there are any changes or issues in the list. I am not responsible if you send money to the wrong person :).
So without further ado here’s the list of Author Patreon’s that I found or were shared with me. Clicking on the name will take you to the author’s Page on Fantastic Fiction and the Pateron link will take you to their Pateron (duh). For the author’s who have no FF page, these are author’s who’s books I have read & bought so I have included them, there were a few that were submitted to me but since I can’t vouch for them if they are not on FF I didn’t add them to the list below.
- A Lee Martinez (
- Aliette de Bodard (
- Annie Bellet (
- Brooke Johnson (
- Catherynne Valente (
- CE Murphy (
- David Farland (
- Elizabeth Bear (
- Jim C. Hines (
- John Birmingham (
- Joshua Palmatier (
- Kate Elliott (
- Keith R.A. DeCandido (
- Kelly McCullough (
- Kristen Britain (
- Laura Anne Gilman (
- Marie Brennan (
- Marshall Ryan Maresca (
- Mason Elliott (
- Melissa Marr (
- Mur Lafferty (
- Peter David (
- Richard A. Knaak (
- Robert J. Sawyer (
- SM Reine (
- Sarah A. Hoyt (
- Seanan McGuire (
- Skyla Dawn Cameron (
- Stephanie Burgis (
- Terah Edun (
- Terri Windling (
- Tim Pratt (
- Wen Spencer (
- William Hertling (
- Yasmine Galenorn (
So some quick Q&A before I close the post:
Q. Are you getting a commission on this from referels?
A. No. This is just so that I can have a central list where all author Paterons are listed and folks can use this to support their favorite authors.
Q. Aren’t there other people in the world and in India who are going hungry like migrant workers who can better use the money?
A. Yes, there are too many people living on the edge and barely surviving. Unfortunately I can’t do something for all of them, though I have donated to various organizations that are supporting them. This is something for authors who have kept me sane and centered through my life.
Q. Will you be updating the list? Can I submit additions?
A. Yes & Yes. You can either tweet the additions to me, post them as comments to the blog post or email them to me.
Well this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya