Ok, its been a while since I last posted. Its been because of pure lazyness combined with a hectic work schedule. More of a lazyness than work but you get the idea.
So what have I been upto? As some of you are aware my birthday was on the 3rd of Dec and it was fun. Originally the plan was to go paintballing in the daytime (For those of you who are wondering what paintballing is check out: http://paintball.about.com/cs/gameinfo/f/paintballfaq.htm and http://paintball.com/) and then follow that with a dinner at a Hawaiian restaurant. Unfortunately Surabhi fell sick so I decided to not go for Paintball and cancelled the dinner.
So I called up all the people I had invited and told them that dinner was cancelled because I didn’t want to leave Surabhi alone at home. At this point I was a bit sad that I had to cancel the dinner but otherwise not expecting anything. Decided to watch a movie and just relax. Vinit on the otherhand had a different idea on how I should spend my birthday, he called up all the people who were originally supposed to be coming for the dinner and had them come over to our apartment. Now this was a total and complete surprise. It was awesome 🙂 🙂 We had ordered Indian food from Rasoi and then spent a couple of hours talking and having fun.
The next day Surabhi and Vinit left for India. Now they are enjoying in India while I am stuck here. Actually I am happy that they left early as that gives them time to do most of their shopping without my being there ;).
Well this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya