Over at Facebook Tarini asked people to list 15 books that affected you the most and that will always stick with you. I don’t have a lot of books that affect me (probably because I mostly read fiction) so I have modified the requirements to show top 15 books that I liked and will always remember:
1. 1984 by George Orwell: One of the most popular and lasting books about the issues with a Big Brother society
2. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury: Amazing book about a future where critical thought through reading is outlawed and all books are burned on sight.
3. Jungle Adventures: This was the first novel I read back when I was in 4th.
4. Bobbsey Twins by Laura Lee Hope: The first mystery novel I read. (This was the second novel I read)
5. Earth Invaded by Nathan Elliott: Pretty cool book about alien invaders that can only be hurt by physical weapons (bullets/arrows etc) when such weapons are no longer in use.
6. Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard: An awesome book where humans are an endangered species on Earth
7. A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs: One of the first books I read as an ebook
8. Little Brother by Cory Doctorow: Great novel about how several teenagers defend themselves against what they see as the Department of Homeland Security’s attacks on the Bill of Rights.
9. Jurassic Park By Michael Crichton: Do I even need to say more?
10. Lost World By Michael Crichton: Do I even need to say more?
11. Invasion by Robin Cook: Pretty chilling story about an Alien invasion that transmutates people
12. All books by David Weber: One of the best military Science Fiction authors of all times
13. All books by Mercedes Lackey: One of the best Fantasy authors of all times.
14. All Dr Who Books: My all time favorite TV show and books. Terrance Dicks used to be my Favorite author
15. All books by David Drake: Another great Science Fiction and Fantasy writer.
This list above is no way complete. There are probably a hundred more books that I really like but these are the ones I could think of right the top of my head.
– Suramya