Here’s another update from India. Since I last posted I have been pretty busy with visiting friends and relatives. First I flew to Bangalore on the 7th Jan on an Air Deccan flight. I almost missed the flight in spite of being in the Airport an hour before the check in time. I was watching the status board for information about my flight and it kept saying that my flight was on time but didn’t say if the flight had started boarding or not so I happily kept listening to music and was reading a very interesting book. Then about 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time I walked up to the Air Deccan counter and asked them about my flight which is when I found out that the flight was going to depart in 10 mins and they were about to close the boarding gates so I rushed through the security check and boarded the plane.
I made it to Bangalore on time and had a lot of fun, I got to meet my friend Gaurang who is in the merchant navy after 3 years. We stayed up pretty late and talked a lot. The first night we were up till 3 am just talking. We were supposed to go check out the nightlife in Bangalore but we got so involved in talking that we lost track of time. The next day Gaurang’s mom woke us at 8:30 am and took us out for breakfast. We ate Dosa’s at this restaurant (can’t remember the name) which Aunty didn’t like as they were pretty oily but both me and Gaurang liked them a lot. Then we drove around Bangalore for a while doing chores after which we dropped Aunty at home and left to have lunch at this place called RR. We (Me, Gaurang and Viraj) left home at 2:00 pm and got caught in a very bad traffic jam for a couple of hours. We finally made it to the restaurant at 4:45 pm and had our lunch at 5:00 pm. Then we drove back to Gaurang’s place to pick up aunty and drive to Kartik’s place for dinner. Since we had such a late lunch neither Gaurang or me ate much inspite of a great selection (Sorry Aunty)
Edit:(The remaining entry)
Then we spent the night talking. Once the party was over all of us went back to Gaurang’s place. Kartik drove his car and I rode with him while Aunty and Gaurang were in the other car. The only comment I have about the ride back is that Kartik plays too many car racing games… 🙂

Gaurang, Me and Kartik at Gaurang’s place
Once we were back we watch Animatrix ’cause gaurang hadn’t seen it yet, then we talked for a while and then Kartik went back home while me and Gaurang went to sleep (I think it was about 4:30 am at that time). Got up in the morning and helped Gaurang and Aunty pack. By this time Gaurang’s dad was in town so I got to meet him too. Then we dropped Gaurang at the Airport for his flight to Bombay and uncle & Aunty dropped me at Kaban park near Vinit’s place.
Since I knew no one was going to be home at his place till 2:30 pm I spent the next couple of hours walking around MG Road and Brigade road. Then I went to his place and met Aunty and his cousin Anshu. After a great meal of Pav-Bhaji we all went to the temple where it was pretty crowded due to it being a Sunday. Then on the way back we stopped over at Madhur’s place and met his mom. He wasn’t there ’cause he had gone to drop someone off on his bike and had an accident on the way back (He wasn’t hurt but that should teach him to pay more attention to the road than the girls on the road.) Then we left for home and stopped for some very tasty Golgappa’s.
At home I met Vinit’s dad. By this time a couple of Anshu’s friends had come over. So Aunty took all of us out for dinner and we went to this road where both sides will filled with stalls and I had awesome Uttapam’s and Idli over there followed by a couple of slices of watermelon.
Once we got back home, we watched a little bit of TV then after Aunty went to bed Anshu and me stayed up talking. Since my flight was at 5:30 am and I had to be at the airport latest by 4:30 am, I decided not to sleep and spent the night reading.
The flight back was uneventfull and I made it back in one piece.
Other than memories I brought back one other thing from Bangalore: A very bad cold, which I caught from Kartik and then passed on to my parents. (Kartik: Thanks a Lot… )
Over all a very fun trip. Wish I could do it more often.&
– Suramya