At a trip with friends to watch the famous snake boat race in Kerela. It is an anual race that has been going on for over 50 years now. There are 8 of us who have come for the trip and so far its been a lot of fun.
We(Rithika, me and Rahul) left office at around 4 to pick up Deepika and Gaurav and then have the driver drop us at the train station where Surabhi and Vinit would meet up withh us. There was some confusion with the car and since we were getting late we ended up taking an auto to the station. Becasuse of the time constraints we endded up fitting all five of us plus our luggage in one auto. Thankfully we made it on time.
In the train ride we played a lot of card games and after the rest of the group went off to sleep me, Gaurav and Deepika went outside and sat next to the open door to enjoy the cool wind. Lot of fun.
Reached here at 6:30 am and am right now supposed to be resting. The race is in the afternoon so we have a few hours.
Well this is all for now. Its hard typoong for long on a blackberry so going to stop now.
– Suramya