Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

December 13, 2011

Sir Isaac Newton’s scanned notes are published online by Cambridge

Filed under: Interesting Sites,News/Articles — Suramya @ 5:35 PM

Following in the footsteps of The Royal Society, Cambridge University has digitized and made available online; the notebooks in which Sir Isaac Newton worked out his theories that are the basis of most of the classical science.

Included in the collection are Newton’s own copy of his 1687 masterwork, Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica, in which he described with mathematical rigor his laws of motion and gravitation. The digitized version also includes Newton’s own edits and marginalia, plus many pages of handwritten notes.
Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica handwritten notes

Also included are some early papers; a notebook Newton inherited from his stepfather known as the Waste Book, in which he wrote down some of his work on developing calculus; a pair of college notebooks; and a raft of papers on Hydrostatics, Optics, Sound and Heat.

Looks like people are finally realizing that sharing information is good. Looking forward to seeing more such items being shared. Way to go Cambridge!

You can browse the archive at the Cambridge Digital Library.

Source: BBC News

– Suramya

December 10, 2011

Thinking about changing Hosting providers. Any suggestions?

Filed under: Computer Related,Tech Related — Suramya @ 10:57 PM

I have been using as my hosting provider for a while now (since 2005) and have been happy with the service for the most par, however after their recent pricing change the service is getting to be a bit more expensive than I am comfortable with so I am thinking about changing webhosting providers. What hosting providers do you use and would recommend? I need the following feature sets in the service:

  • PHP4/5
  • MySQL DB: Fairly large no of databases with large storage allocations
  • Full SSH Shell Access
  • Unlimited Bandwidth (Have gotten bit by this a few times)
  • Email Accounts: A fairly high no with large quota’s (I never delete mails)
  • Perl Support
  • Multiple Domains allowed
  • High availability/uptime

Thanks in advance.

– Suramya

November 5, 2011

India formally presents a proposal for government takeover of the Internet in the UN

Filed under: My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 2:01 AM

Not satisfied with finally getting having access to blackberry messages for ‘security’ surveillance, the Indian government has formally put a proposal that a UN body should take over the running of the whole internet in front of the UN General Assembly in New York. Basically they have asked for a new UN body called the United Nations Committee for Internet-Related Policies (CIRP) to be created which would then develop Internet policies, oversee all Internet standards bodies and policy organizations, negotiate Internet-related treaties, and act as an arbitrator in Internet-related disputes.

In theory this sounds really good but in practice its a really bad idea. The whole idea behind the internet is to have a system that is not centrally controlled so there is no one point of failure or control, now if this new body is brought into the picture they will start enforcing rules that may not make sense to the majority of people using the net but are forced to follow because they are told to by a central agency.

Keep in mind that the folks ‘administering’ the internet are the same folks who are trying to get legislation’s/treaties like ACTA and E-PARASITE passed. And don’t forget the three strikes law from France or other similar insane policies that politicians that have no clue about the internet and are still sticking to the old ways of doing things want to enact.

Do you really want these folks to have formal control of the internet? I sure don’t. If this becomes reality maybe its time for folks to start building an alternate internet without the ‘big brother’ or the politicians.


November 1, 2011

What do you do with 50 tons of plastic?

Filed under: Interesting Sites,My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 11:55 PM

What do you do with 50 Tons of Plastic? You can’t bury it because it doesn’t decompose, you can’t leave it lying around because it will poison the soil and be an eye sore.

Folks at Vertech Limited along with Dawyck Estates, Cass Hayward LLP, Cardiff University’s School of Engineering, Rutgers University’s AAMIPP Department and Axion International seem to have figured out a way to use this so that that is both useful and doesn’t look ugly.

They recycled the 50 tons of plastic and converted it into a 90 feet Thermoplastic road bridge over the River Tweed at Easter Dawyck in Peeblesshire. This is one of the first of its kind in Europe and was built in just over 2 weeks including the four days to assemble it on site.

A bridge made of plastic has a lot of advantages over regular bridges. It won’t rust and doesn’t require to be painted which is another cost saving. Plus that’s 50 tons of plastic that is not cluttering a land fill somewhere and the best part is that it is 100 percent recyclable, so when the local community decide they don’t want it any more, it can be broken up and turned into another bridge elsewhere.

We should support more of these projects and initiatives so that 30 years down the line we are not living in a mountain of trash.

Source: 50 Tons of Plastic Recycled Into Scottish Foot Bridge & World Architecture News

– Suramya

October 28, 2011

Royal Society journal archive made permanently free to access

Filed under: Interesting Sites,News/Articles — Suramya @ 4:38 PM

The Royal Society which is the worlds oldest publisher has made its entire archive of more than 69,000 articles open and given free access to everyone. For those of you who are wondering what Royal Society is all about, here’s a brief introduction:

Founded in 1660, the ‘Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge’, was granted, two years later, a charter to publish by Charles II. On March 6th, 1655, the first issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society was published under the editorship of Henry Oldenburg, who was also Secretary of the Royal Society at the time. He stipulated that the journal should be ‘licensed by the council of the Society, being first reviewed by some of the members of the same’ and Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society thus became the first ever peer-reviewed journal.

The Royal Society is the world’s oldest scientific publisher and, as such, our archive is the most comprehensive in science. Treasures in the archive include Isaac Newton’s first published scientific paper, geological work by a young Charles Darwin, and Benjamin Franklin’s celebrated account of his electrical kite experiment. Readers willing to delve a little deeper may find some undiscovered gems from the dawn of the scientific revolution – including Robert Boyle’s account of monstrous calves, grisly tales of students being struck by lightning, and early experiments on to how to cool drinks ‘without the Help of Snow, Ice, Haile, Wind or Niter, and That at Any Time of the Year.’

Now anyone with a net connection can read Benjamin Franklin’s account of his kite experiment in his own words or other similar landmark issues and who knows what idea one of these might spark in someone’s mind. After all you never know what might spark an idea and inspire a person to create the next great thing. These issues are an amazing treasure for people interested in the history of science and just reading them gives the reader an idea of how science evolved over the ages.

These journals are available for online browsing or for download as PDF files. However at a quick glance I couldn’t figure out if they allow mirroring of this stuff on other sites or not. I have reached out to them for permission to mirror the content but I don’t know if it will be granted or not. I hope it is, but you never know.

Source: Royal Society Publishing & History Today

– Suramya

October 25, 2011

Bio computers come a bit closer to reality

Filed under: My Thoughts,News/Articles,Tech Related — Suramya @ 6:29 PM

Readers of this blog (all 2 of you 🙂 ) and people who know me, know that I have always been interested in Bio/DNA computers and have even written about them in the past. But to my sorrow most of the current work on Bio computers is still in the very theoretical stage.

Recently, Researchers at Imperial College London have claimed to have successfully built logic gates out of bacteria and DNA. The team built an AND gate using e-coli (Escherichia coli) bacteria which is normally found in the lower intestine and another team built on top of that to create a NAND gate which is basically an AND gate combined with a NOT gate.

While this doesn’t sound like much it is indeed a step forward because all computers are basically a collection of logic gates and if the team can manage to connect more of them together then we have the beginnings of a working Bio computer.

More details on their work is available at: Scientists create computing building blocks from bacteria and DNA

The study can be downloaded from here.

Sources: ZEE News & Wired UK

As always if I find more information I will post a follow-up entry here.

– Suramya

October 15, 2011

Solar plant that continues to work at night

Filed under: News/Articles — Suramya @ 11:21 PM

A major problem with Solar plants is that once the sun sets or its cloudy they are pretty much just taking up space and if I have spent a few million on a powerful solar plant I would want to be able to get as much use out of it as possible. People have tried various ways to work around the problem but till recently none of them were too successful.

Now a new solar plant has come up just outside Seville, Spain that claims to fix this problem, infact if their claims are to be believed it can function for upto 15 hours of dark. From their news release:

More than 2,600 concentrically-arranged mirrors at the Gemasolar installation just outside of Seville, Spain concentrate solar energy towards a centrally located molten nitrate salt tank. As the rays converge, they super-heat the salt to over 900 degrees Celsius, causing water around the tank to boil and drive steam turbines. In addition, any superfluous heat generated during the day is stored within the liquefied salt. It acts like a giant thermal battery for driving the turbines at night and during overcast days—up to 15 hours at a time with no sunlight.

This is pretty interesting and cool, however the price tag of $410 million is not that cool so don’t expect similar plants to start popping up all over the place anytime soon. But still… This plant alone will reduce atmospheric CO2 emissions by more than 30,000 tons a year and can produce up to 20 megawatts of power.

Source: The World’s First Solar Plant to Generate Electricity Even at Night

– Suramya

October 12, 2011

Virus hits US Drone Fleet: Is Skynet finally ready to take over?

Filed under: Computer Related,My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 4:28 PM

I typed an entire post while in flight back to Bangalore and then because the wordpress app for Android requires a netconnection to work and doesn’t allow you to work offline, I lost my entire post and now have to type it all again.

Looks like we are about ready for the end of the world and the start of the robot Apocalypse. A virus has infected the US Drone fleet and so far the admins have been unable to remove the infection. Now all we need is for the US military to hand over control of its entire system to a super AI and we are ready to go. To make things even better we also have early prototypes of HK’s (HunterKillers) in testing in various labs around the world.

Its funny how real life follows fiction at times. When I used to tell people that I was interested in Artificial intelligence, the most common reaction I would get was “are you crazy? Haven’t you seen Terminator?” Now if we have a rogue AI running around its actually possible for it to cause a whole lot of damage, maybe not to the tune of ‘end of the world’ but enough to make life miserable for a whole lot of people.

Maybe its time to stock up on my tin-foil hats and MRE’s 🙂

– Suramya

May 19, 2010

Outsourcing unit to be set up in Indian jail

Filed under: My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 11:01 PM

If this hadn’t been on BBC then I would have dismissed this as a joke and a bad one at that. But apparently it is true. There are idiots who think that outsourcing backend processes of Banks to convicted criminals is a good idea. I mean come on… Are you even thinking? If they were doing this with phone bills or utilities bills it would have made sense. But banks… Seriously?

The unit will employ 200 educated convicts who will handle back office operations like data entry, and process and transmit information.

The project will begin at Charlapally Central Jail, near the state capital Hyderabad, in the next four months.

The unit, which is expected to undertake back-office work for banks, will work round the clock with three shifts of 70 staff each.

I want to know what banks will be part of this program so that I can move my money to another bank if required.

– Suramya

Source: BBC News – Outsourcing unit to be set up in Indian jail
Thanks to Schneier on Security for the story.

February 25, 2010

School spying on Kids with Laptops provided by the school

Filed under: My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 11:31 PM

When we talk about Big Brother most people worry about government’s having the power to monitor what people are doing. Some worry about companies monitoring their staff but that too in the office. No one really thinks about how certain schools have decided to monitor their student bodies.

Recently one of the students at Harriton High , Rosemont Pennsylvania filed a class action lawsuite against the school alleging that Matsko (The Assistant Vice Principal) “informed minor plaintiff that the school district was of the belief that minor plaintiff was engaged in improper behavior in his home and cited as evidence a photograph from the Webcam embedded in minor plaintiff’s personal laptop issued by the school district.”

School teachers/board have absolute power over their student body, not in a physical or legal sense but the power and control is still there. They control the grades and they decide how the education is being imparted to students thus controlling the student’s future. In most cases this is not an issue but sometimes the school goes over-board. In Harriton High they decided that they had the right to watch over their student body even when they were not at school and used the Laptops that the school provided to enable them to do so.

Basically they used a remote-management product called LANrev, which enabled staff members to activate Webcams built into the MacBook laptops to take snapshots of the students without their knowledge. Officially the software was put in to track stolen laptops but as with all surveillance tools it was misused by the school staff.

On most laptops there is a light that comes on when the webcam is in use so that the users know when the webcam is activated. A lot of students noticed that the light came on intermittently and when they complained they were told that this was a ‘glitch’ and the webcams were not actually in use.

The best part is that the Laptop’s were firmware locked to prevent the students from verifying the official story. In-fact if a student jail-broke the laptop it was grounds for immediate suspension. This in itself makes me believe that the laptops were used to spy on the students. In addition it was mandatory for students to use the laptops provided by school for classes instead of using their personal laptops.

Stryde Hax: The Spy at Harriton High has a very nice technical writeup of how the school was spying on students and using the laptop’s webcams to take photos without the student’s knowledge.

Although the school has denied that they were spying on students not a lot of people believe them (including me). Oh I agree that it’s not an official policy but I am 100% sure that one or more staff members used the opportunity to spy on the students.

When I read the story the first thing that came to my mind was that the easiest way to prevent the school from watching would have been to put a piece of opaque tape on the webcam. That’s what I would have done…

Now that the story is out in public the FBI is investigating the case. This is a very scary scenario and if its not stopped immediately and the people responsible are not punished then it will set a dangerous precedent for other school’s and companies. What is to stop companies from using the laptops that they issue to spy on their users? Most users keep their laptops in their bedroom and I am sure they don’t want their company/office/school knowing what they do in the privacy of their own bedroom.

Source: SANS NewsBites Vol. 12 Num. 15.

– Suramya

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