If this hadn’t been on BBC then I would have dismissed this as a joke and a bad one at that. But apparently it is true. There are idiots who think that outsourcing backend processes of Banks to convicted criminals is a good idea. I mean come on… Are you even thinking? If they were doing this with phone bills or utilities bills it would have made sense. But banks… Seriously?
The unit will employ 200 educated convicts who will handle back office operations like data entry, and process and transmit information.
The project will begin at Charlapally Central Jail, near the state capital Hyderabad, in the next four months.
The unit, which is expected to undertake back-office work for banks, will work round the clock with three shifts of 70 staff each.
I want to know what banks will be part of this program so that I can move my money to another bank if required.
– Suramya
Source: BBC News – Outsourcing unit to be set up in Indian jail
Thanks to Schneier on Security for the story.