After drooling about it for almost 3 months I finally have my new phone: Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Special thanks to Ronak and Jheelna for getting it to me from the US. 🙂 I got the phone on the 18th and have used it for about 10 days without any net connectivity for the most part and I can honestly say that I really like it so far.
First impressions/experiences so far:
- The settings page is a bit sparse and seems to be a bit dumbed down. I see a lot more options on my Galaxy Tablet that is running Android 2.3
- The default set of applications that come with the phone should be expanded, I really missed having a memo pad app
- My screen now has a small scratch on it because I dumped my hotel key in the same pocket as the phone. Although to be fair, the key was pretty big and heavy.
- The system is very fast and responsive. A genuine pleasure to use
- Some of the settings/options should give you feedback when used, e.g. when asked to check for system updates, some sort of indication would be good. Right now I don’t know if it is stuck or just waiting for a reply from the server.
- USB Host access is not supported, so I can’t mount the phone as a USB drive on my computer. 🙁 This really sucks but as a workaround I have installed SwiFTP on the phone which is a FTP server.
Will document more of my findings as I use the phone more and more. But as a starter, now that I am back home with a good internet connection I rooted the phone to give me more options and will be installing a whole lot of apps and experimenting.
Well, this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya