Last Saturday we went for a trip to the Sultanpur Bird sanctuary from work. The trip started at 6 am for me as thats when I left home to pick up Ashwani, Harish O, Harish T and Ram Awadh from the office. On the way to the office I inaugurated the birdwatching by spotting a chicken on the road.
Surprisingly everyone was on time and we made it to Nehru Place which was our meeting point for the rest of the group at 7:15am there we hot tea while we waited for the rest of the group (Dhiraj, Shobhna and Angad) to join us in Angad’s car. After a quick snack we left for the bird sanctuary picking Sanjay and his wife and son on the the way.
The drive there was a long one. Unfortunately there were no road sign’s anywhere telling us how to get to the place so we kept having to ask people for directions. For some weird reason people kept pointing us to the long route to the place. About 3/4th of the way there we found out that the route we were following was impassable because a bridge was being constructed on it. So we had to turn back and drive 15 kms back on the way we came and take an alternate route.
On the way we stopped at a field and took pics there. Once we made it to the Sanctuary we had a great time. We saw a lot of the birds and no I don’t know their species. All I can remember now is that we saw Peacocks, Parrots, A few kinds of white birds and a couple of black birds.
I had taken a boomerang with me and we all tried to get it to come back to us. Harish T was the only one that managed to do that. Thankfully it didn’t get stuck in the tree’s.
I had also taken my Remote Controlled place with me, but unfortunately the built in battery in the plane was almost dead so we couldn’t really fly it. So we decided to go with the old faithful and had a cricket match.
On the way back we found a direct road to Gudguan. Though calling it a road is a bit of a stretch as it was more like driving on a dirt trail than an actual road. There was a lot of construction going on so that probably was the reason why this road was so broken. Hopefully the fly-overs will be completed soon and the road will get a bit better.
This post was delayed for so long as I was procrastinating putting up the photos on the photogallery but luckily Shobhna is less lazy than I am so she has put up the photos from the trip here:
In the near future I will probably also post the photos on my site. In the mean time enjoy.
– Suramya
Hi, nice blog you have….we were also planning a trip to Sultanpur, so need a few inputs (actually the query list is long!)
1. Did you do a day trip. In case we leave Nehru Plc by say 5, by when can we expect to reach the sanctuary.
2. Also can you give me some directions on the place (esp since u have said that there is a bridge under construction)
3. How is the place for staying overnight. Any good place to stay there.
Hoping for an early response 🙂
Thanks, Nitin
Comment by Nitin — February 12, 2009 @ 4:50 PM
You are welcome. Glad you liked the blog.
As for your questions:
1. Yes, we did a day trip. We had left Noida at 6:30 am and were back by 7:30 pm. If you don’t get lost (like us) and the traffic is not bad then it will probably take you 1 1/2 – 2 hours.
2. One way is to go via the expressway to Ifco chowk and keep going down. The place is 23 kms from gurgoan. Will post better directions later in the day once I find the notebook we noted it on.
3. There are rooms available over there for over night stays. There are both AC and non AC rooms available. Check out:
BTW, Make sure you take a pair of binoculars along, otherwise you won’t enjoy it as much.
– Suramya
Comment by Suramya — February 12, 2009 @ 5:06 PM
Hey Thanks..
This should be useful…will take the binoculars. Awaiting the directions 🙂
Cheers, Nitin
Comment by Nitin — February 14, 2009 @ 3:24 PM
Unfortunately I seem to have misplaced the notebook the directions were noted down on. So you will have to do it the hard way…
Take the expressway. Its faster than going through the inner roads.
– Suramya
Comment by Suramya — February 26, 2009 @ 10:17 PM