Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

September 12, 2024

Applicant self filter themselves out because company staff uses Pronouns in mail

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 2:15 PM

The following screenshot of an email was shared over at Mastodon by @drahardja and I think the company dodged a bullet with this person. In my experience people who complain about pronouns are the ones who are most likely to be misogynistic and difficult to work with.

Hi After seeing that your signature includes pronouns, I've made the quick decision this company isn't for me, as I don't justify mental iliness or play the pronoun game, and I don't want to be involved with a company that does. Please remove me from the potential candidate list.

Hi After seeing that your signature includes pronouns, I’ve made the quick decision this company isn’t for me, as I don’t justify mental iliness or play the pronoun game, and I don’t want to be involved with a company that does. Please remove me from the potential candidate list.

I don’t have my pronouns in my mail signature but I do have it in the company directory and in Zoom. Having them there helps a lot because it removes ambiguity. My name has often been mistaken for being a girls name which has in the past led to some hilarious confusion and if others have their pronouns in the mail/directory I know the ‘Kris’ I am dealing with is a lady instead of a guy as I had assumed which ensures I don’t shoot myself in the foot when I meet them.

Also, calling this ‘mental illness’ is not cool. Being kind and inclusive is not an illness or weakness. If you watch or listen to these so called ‘alpha males’ who claim to be the peak of manliness you will soon realize that they are whiny scared little boys who are afraid of everything. Anything they don’t understand or like is unmanly or beta behavior. At one time I was thinking about doing a post making fun of them but then decided I have better things to do with my life.

In any case, long story short: Be kind, be inclusive and don’t be scared of the ‘other’.

– Suramya

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