As some of you might know, I host a mirror for and this usually results in an email every couple of months for changes to the existing articles and requests to advertise. I recently received an email requesting information about for advertising. Now there are a few problems with this, firstly I don’t host I just host a mirror of the site. Second problem was the content/topic they want to advertise on the site:
Beards seem to have become popular again, but do you think they will stick? Time will tell, but personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing more men with a cleanly shaven face 😍
I’m getting in touch today because I have some clients looking for advertising opportunities that are related to Men’s Beauty (Should I call it Men’s “Beauty”). After I stumbled across I figured I’d reach out and see if you ever work with brands, or have a media kit available.
I mean historically Linux admins do have a reputation of keeping big beards but this is ridiculous. Of course I know that this mail was probably sent out by an automated bot but it did make me laugh .
– Suramya