Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

March 26, 2021

Thoughts on my Blogging frequency and why it is low.

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 9:30 AM

Earlier today, I was just lazing around and started thinking about why I am finding it harder to write blog posts or rather why I have not been blogging more frequently over the past few years. Part of it has been due to the workload and time that I need to spend on personal stuff, but I feel that the main issue is due to my use of Twitter. Let me explain why I think that is the case.

If you see some of my earlier posts they are about a site I found or a news item that I saw and wanted to share my thoughts about. Other posts were more detailed but are not what I am concerned about here. When I would find something interesting I would put it in my drafts folder on the Blog and later add a few lines/paragraphs about it before posting it. However, now when I see something interesting I post about it on Twitter most of the times with a few lines. That gets it out there with my immediate thoughts about the topic so there is little incentive for me to write a more detailed blog post about it. Obviously there are exceptions but a lot of the time I see myself doing this. For example, There was an article about Documenting a possible pre-Christian burial site as it is literally about to disappear under lava. It was very interesting and I posted about it on Twitter. So I didn’t have it in my list of articles to talk about when planing my next Blog post.

There is no solution for this, I feel that I just need to consciously decide if a tweet could be better as a blog post and if so save it as a draft on WordPress instead of tweeting about it.

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