This weekend was Comic Con Bangalore 2015. It should have been named T-Shirt Con 2015, or maybe nicknack Con 2015. There were very few stalls for Comics or books. Last year was a lot better with a bunch of artists and authors making it to the show. This year most of the con was focused on Game of Thrones and since I don’t like the show that much (I have already tried to watch it 4 times but still haven’t managed to finish Season 1). I prefer the books than the show. I did end up buying a T-Shirt and a sticker for my car.
Thankfully I didn’t buy the 3 day pass as I was initially planning to, but when the Con schedule wasn’t available even 3 days before the show I had a bad feeling about the entire thing. I ended up leaving within about 3 hours of getting there.
Hopefully the next one will be better.
– Suramya