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April 15, 2010

The Oathbound (Vows and Honor Book 01) by Mercedes Lackey

Filed under: Reviews-Fantasy — Suramya @ 9:20 PM

The Oathbound (Vows and Honor Book 01)
by Mercedes Lackey


Bound by oath to each other and to the Goddess, the swordswoman Tarma and the wizard Kethry begin a joint career as mercenaries in the constant struggle for justice in a land where demons come in human and not-so-human forms. The author of the “Heroes of Valdemar” trilogy begins a new series involving a pair of likeable, savvy heroines. Sword and sorcery with warmth and humor make this a story that will appeal to most fantasy fans.

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The Oathbound is the first book in the Vows and Honor Quadrilogy that tells us how Tarma and Kethry (Swordsworn and Mage) met and how they built up a reputation as reliable mercenaries over a period of time.

The book is a decent read but while the stories are fun some parts of the book appear disjointed, meaning some parts read like they were originally separate stories that were stitched together to make a book. For example in one of chapters Kethry and Tarma explain again how they defeated a particular enemy even though that was just covered in the previous chapter. There are many small instances like this one that break the flow of the book.

This is not that surprising though ’cause if I remember correctly most of the stories in this book were earlier published as short stories in one of the sword and sorcery magazines.

The book is one of Lackey’s earlier work and it is quite easy to see how her writing has evolved from this book to her latest works. Not that this book is bad, just that her later works are more polished.

Final Recommendation: Good read. Gives you the back story of some of the secondary characters in the main stream Valdemar books.

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