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April 20, 2010

Exile’s Valor (Valdemar: Exile Book 02) by Mercedes Lackey

Filed under: Reviews-Fantasy — Suramya @ 11:31 PM

Exile’s Valor (Valdemar: Exile Book 02)
by Mercedes Lackey


Exile’s Valor continues the tale begun in Exile’s Honor, and shed some light on the courtship, marriage and death of Queen Selenay’s husband, and father of her daughter Elspeth.

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Review:In the second book of the Exile series the story of Alberich, the weapon master of Valdemar is continued. The book is set right after the 1st book ended and Selenay, the new Queen is being pressurized into getting married and procreating.

Then along comes a handsome prince who knows exactly what to say and do to make Selenay fall in love with him and marry him. After a whirlwind courtship they marry and soon after that the queen was with child.

The book did spend a lot of time going over the emotions and feelings of the queen and the heralds. Not a lot of focus was given to the other side. At no point was the reader given an insight into the prince’s thoughts and this is not necessary a bad thing.

At the end of the book not all threads are tied up and the book leaves some questions unanswered for the next books in the series. Although this book was written way after the next book in the series it doesn’t contradict any major points in those books.

Final recommendation: A decent read, not as absorbing as the rest of the books but still good.

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