Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

May 7, 2009

Finally Voted today

Filed under: My Life,My Thoughts — Suramya @ 8:39 PM

After ~10 years (2 elections) of never being in the country when the elections were held I finally was in town during the elections and voted. 🙂

We got up at 8am and went to the sector 44 community center that was the local polling booth. There weren’t a lot of people there at the time (only about 7-8) but it was still early as the voting started at 7am.

Security wise the elections was decent. I don’t know how secure the machine itself but I don’t think its possible easily for one person to enter more than one vote (which used to happen with paper votes). Now when a person enters their vote a loud buzz would sound telling people that a vote had been cast. So if a person tried entering multiple votes they would first have to figure out how to switch the machine back on after a vote had been cast (It is activated by a guy sitting outside who verifies your ID) then they would have to disable the buzzer that sounds when votes are cast.

Total time to vote, about 30 mins. This includes the time to drive there and back with a stop to buy groceries on the way back.

– Suramya

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