Happy New Year everyone.
This was supposed to be a continuation of my week in HK series but my laptop started having issues (The screen would stop working at random times) so I couldn’t post from there. Once I got back, life obviously got really really busy.
I was waiting to post as I wanted to share the photos from the trip in the post but… Ah well. I have posted some of the pics in my Facebook profile and one of these days I will also post them in my album here.
* Thinking about updating the photogallery script and adding comments functionality to the gallery. Also, maybe an rss feed just for the pics. So that I can post the pics here and publish them elsewhere also by including the feed…
* Have created a collage generator for Linux using Imagemagic and Bash scripting. Its a small script (80 lines) but it works great. *Note to self*: Publish the script on the site
* Need to find a good Mexican place in Delhi. Have heard about one in CP but haven’t checked it out yet.
* need to start posting more often on the blog. When I started I used to post one entry a day. Now its gone down to a post a month, maybe 2. This needs to change.
* Wonder if I should start making micro-blog posts. Just one or two line entries about whatever I am thinking about.
* I got a cool new RC (Remote Controlled) helicopter that Surabhi & Vinit got for me.
* Hopefully I will fly this more often than my RC plane which has only been flown once in the past two years. Although I can fly this indoors so I think I should be able to fly it more often.
* Found a mosaic creation script. Thinking about playing with it to make some nice mosaic’s. Lets see.
Well this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya