Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

November 27, 2007

My third earthquake

Filed under: My Life — Suramya @ 1:26 PM

This Monday I lived through my third earth quake. This one was a relatively minor one (4.3 on the Richter scale) with its epicentre located near Delhi in Bahadurgarh. I was awake at that time as I was in the middle of a marathon coding session (which lasted ~13.5 hours) when I thought I hear some vibrations. So I took off my headset and listened. It sounded like a jet was flying by at high speed causing the windows to shake. (Having lived near a runway I have had some experience with it) but then I remembered that there was no airfield near this house so I guessed that it was an earthquake.

It didn’t look like it was a serious one so I didn’t try hiding under my table ;). Then I got back to work and forgot about it till dad asked me about it the next day. This was the third one that I have personally experienced. The first one was when I was in the 5th or 6th and it was a major one. Don’t really remember a lot about it as I slept through it.

The second one was in Jan of 2000 when I had gone to Uttarkashi for a mountaineering course. We were up in the mountains and I was dead tired after being made to walk for ~15 kms so I was sleeping when I felt the ground shake beneath me and I thought that someone was trying to wake me by shaking me. The others in the tent woke up and then tried to wake me up so that we could go outside. My response was “Wake me if something is about to fall on the tent..” 🙂 Atleast thats what the rest of the guys told me the next day. I did get to see an avalanche the next morning when the aftershocks hit.

In all I would rather avoid being in another earthquake. I am allergic to falling rocks.

Well this is all for now. Will post more later.

– Suramya

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