Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

September 30, 2005

Sangh’s Dandia song: no Muslims, please

Filed under: My Thoughts,News/Articles — Suramya @ 2:11 PM

What the hell is wrong with these people? Have they taken complete leave of their senses? These idiots have decided that muslims will not be allowed to attend Dandia because ‘hindu’ girls will run away with them… Believe me if a girl is desperate enough to run away with a guy she just met it won’t matter if he is hindu or muslim. They will run away regardless…

What next, are they going to start banning christians next from attending a celebration? Moron’s.

These festivals are meant to promote understanding , peace and encourage people to have fun but idiots like these have nothing better to do than cause problems and create trouble.

I have gone to churches and mosques, celebrated Thanksgiving, Easter, Id and whole lot of other festivals that are not ‘hindu’ festivals. During which I had fun and learnt a lot about other cultures & religions too.

Whatever… These people should be locked up as a public menance or shot for being too stupid to live… or made to spend 40 years learning about other cultures.

Source Story: Sangh’s Dandia song: no Muslims, please


  1. I am sorry to hear that you are not yet “locked up” or “shot for being too stupid to live …”.

    Comment by Shuv it Homo — October 2, 2005 @ 11:44 PM

  2. Since you didn’t have the guts to leave your name or email address so I could respond to you, I am going to post my reply to you over here…

    “I am sorry that there is no cure for stupidity, but can you do the world a favor and crawl back under the rock you came out from?”


    Comment by Suramya — October 3, 2005 @ 1:20 AM

  3. Good one Suramya…. I agree man, this sangh business, is just another way to create problems and get attention (although for all the wrong reasons). Anyways, without pests like these there are so superheroes, ….. hint hint…. Time to be a superhero (A ‘muslim’ one at that :-))

    Comment by Sameer — October 4, 2005 @ 10:40 AM

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