Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

July 22, 2005

Website was down for a day

Filed under: My Life,Website Updates — Suramya @ 9:38 PM

As some of you might have noticed was completely down since Wednesday. It wasn’t a technical problem, what happened was that somehow when I used the control panel to reboot the LVS somehow it decided to reset itself to the default settings instead. So my webserver was set to factory default and I lost all data on it.

Not surprisingly I was pissed and left the techsupport at Redwood Virtual a pretty bad VoiceMail. Thankfully the guys there didn’t decide to ignore me due to that email and Matt from Redwood Virtual Tech support contacted me and told me that when a switch is reset they save a backup copy of it just in case. So I asked him to go ahead and restore it from backup which took a while so the site was down till they restored it.

Now that it is back up the first thing I did was backup the mysql DB and the log files. Also since its the weekend and I finally have some time I will be recompiling MySQL on the server to make it more light weight and less resource intensive. Having the MySQL server die every couple of hours is not funny or fun.

Will keep you posted.

– Suramya

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