Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

January 30, 2005

MSNBot Sucks

Filed under: My Thoughts,Tech Related — Suramya @ 10:03 PM

Really pissed of at the stupid MSNBot and its stupid webcrawling allgorithim right now. In the past one month it has hit my site 34,892 times and has transfered 1.2 GB of data from my site. I have no idea what on my site it thinks has changed and needs to be reindexed, it did the same thing last month where the traffic from all the other Bots combined was less than the traffic from it.

The funny part is that in the past one month the only thing that changed on my site was the Blog, addition of one new article and an update to my resume. I have no idea how this could translate to 1.2 GB of data. Below is a snapsot showing the amount of data transfered by each web crawler.

NEway’s I have emailed Microsoft about it, lets see if I actually get a response to my mail.

– Suramya

1 Comment »

  1. talking about the msn bot, it gives your site’s mention of my name as the number #1 listing for “Ankush Agarwal”!!

    They must really love you!

    well, if they are going to list it, take my new address…. which also has nothing on it, but its better to get the recent nothing, than geocities version of nothing!

    Comment by Ankush — February 1, 2005 @ 5:03 PM

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