Gave my CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) exam on 3rd Oct and have successfully cleared it.
Certification Number | Certification Name | Issue Date | Expiry Date |
ECC8907421563 | Certified Ethical Hacker | October 3, 2022 | October 02, 2025 |
The exam was interesting and required a bit of memorization but over all not bad. I do wish they allow us to access the books or use the tools on the computer. I have a hard time remembering the parameters for commands and there were a few questions in there about what parameter would you use to do x. Normally I would do a man command before running it but here I had to remember the commands so it was a bit more annoying and required some extra effort to memorize, other than that the questions were great and required a lot of thinking and knowing the system.
Well this is all for now, will write more later.
– Suramya