There is this quote floating around from a person who should know better, asking “What has any 5th grader done to make the world better because he or she is in it?” in response to a message at a school telling kids that they are loved and the world is better because they are in it. The question has stuck in my head and made me think a lot. There are so many ways kids make things better by being in it and though I never want to have kids even I can see how they make the world a better place when they are in it. Only selfish fools that measure value by what you own and what your bank balance can’t see this and I feel sorry for them as they don’t know what it is like to be loved.
It also made me think about all the times a kid has made things better for me so am sharing some random thoughts and examples from my life where a kid definitely made things better:
- Kids will show unconditional love to those who love them, will come and cuddle with you and tell you stories about their day and what they learned that will make you forget your troubles for a bit
- The hug you get when they see you after a while will make you forget a bad day at work…
- Make you laugh so hard that your sides hurt with their explanations on why & how things work or why they did a certain thing.
- Give you that look that tells you that you are the most important person in their world right now
- Come up with really corny nicknames for you that you grow to love, Mine is ‘shu mama’ or shoe-mama as per my niece and nephew…
- Watching kids play will show that not everything in the world is about money or being selfish. A little while ago I was playing with Vir and I jokingly told him that I was going to eat his nose. He told me no so I responded saying that I was really hungry. He looked at me for a few seconds and then looked at his hands; thought for a bit and then told me that I only have one nose but you can eat a finger as I have 10 of them.
There are so many examples but I don’t think any of them will make this person change their mind because they only look at the world with a mindset that values people only based on their bank balance, things they have accumulated and how useful the person is going to be for them personally. There is more to the world than how it can be used and how to make money from it. If you can’t see that then I feel sorry for you.
Well this is all for now. More later.
– Suramya