Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

May 16, 2015

Facebook Command Line (FBCMD) no longer works fully

Filed under: My Thoughts — Suramya @ 7:08 PM

Thanks to FB constantly changing their API the maintainer for FBCMD finally decided to call it quits and shut down the project. I found out about this when I started hitting issues with syncing my blog posts automatically to my Facebook account. I would keep getting an error that the app didn’t have the permissions to post to my wall even though I explicitly granted it permissions again. From the maintainers site:

I am now raising a family and have a demanding job. When I do get precious “free” time, there are other projects I’d rather spend my time on.
I stopped using FBCMD myself. I log in to facebook once a week and lurk around for a bit, but I rarely interact or share anything.
Facebook is moving away from apps that have broad access and permissions.
It was too frustrating to keep up with facebook perpetually depricating features and changing its API.
The straw(s) that broke the camel’s back were: depricating API 1.0, removing offline_access and changing the authentication model.

Now I need to figure out another way to automatically sync my posts to FB. There are a bunch of plugins that people talk about but I still need to decide on which one to use and try them out. Or I could hope that someone decides to pick up the project and fork it.

– Suramya

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