Suramya's Blog : Welcome to my crazy life…

September 27, 2005

CollageGen is down

Filed under: Software Releases,Website Updates — Suramya @ 11:02 AM

Had to take down the CollageGen as the backend process kept dying for some wierd reason. Till I figure out whats going on there’s no point in keeping the frontend up as you won’t see anything if the backend is down.

I hope to figure this out soon, lets see. Will keep you posted.

– Suramya

September 17, 2005

Ver 0.3 of the CollageGen script released

Filed under: Software Releases,Tech Related,Website Updates — Suramya @ 3:14 AM

I have just Released CollageGen, Version 0.3. Incase you are wondering, CollegeGen is an application that uses the Yahoo search API to create a collage for any search term entered by the user.

Changes made in this release:

  • The backend script was rewritten from scratch to make the collage generation faster and more efficient.
  • Redesigned the CollageGen access website
  • Threading support was removed from the backend

Check it out and let me know what you think.


September 7, 2005

Moderation capability added to the Feedback section

Filed under: Software Releases,Website Updates — Suramya @ 6:53 AM

Just finised writing Version 3 of my Guestbook script. This version has a moderation capability and all comments posted in the feedback section will now need to be approved before they show up.

This was done to stop the idiots who post links to gambling sites/porn sites etc from posting messages. Earlier I had to manually edit the DB and delete the entries, now I have a new interface that allows me to edit/delete/approve comments all from one screen.

Next on the things to do is to move the rest of the admin interfaces to this new system. This will consolidate the admin function to one GUI making it easier for me to maintain and upgrade. Plus this GUI looks a lot nicer too. 🙂

You shouldn’t notice any differences but Let me know if you have any questions.


August 16, 2005

Response to the feedback on my Hinduism article

Filed under: My Thoughts,Website Updates — Suramya @ 10:44 PM

Hi Everyone,
Over the past few months I have recieved a lot of feedback on my article on Hinduism and some of it is good some bad and one or two quite rude. I know that there are a lot of religions in India and that Hinduism is not the only religion in India. Come to think of it some of my best friends ar not Hindu’s. So I don’t know why people would think that I don’t like other religions and send me mails saying that I am showing India in a wrong light.

I only wrote about hinduism as I had done a lot of research on it and being from a hindu family I learnt a lot about it by osmosis. I would love to write about Islam or christianity but the simple fact is that I don’t know enough about these religions to be sure that what I am writing is accurate. Me talking about something that I have only a little idea about would make no sense. Thats why I don’t have articles about other religions.

Then there are those other guys who keep sending me links about how the aryan invasion theory has been disaproved. So far I havn’t read anything that either proves or disproves the theory so until I know it for a fact I don’t think I will be re-writing any articles (Plus it takes time and effort to rewrite an article and I don’t have that much free time). This article was written as a research paper for a class. I got an A in the class and I am happy with it. If you don’t agree with me too bad. I like a good debate but don’t mail me and tell me that I am an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about without proof. I will ignore you. I have better things to do with my time.

I will however, respond to people like Carl who make sensible suggestions (Carl: I will be adding links to other religons soon) and not come through like idiots.

Well this is all for now. Will write more later.


August 4, 2005

Moved site to new Hosting service

Filed under: Website Updates — Suramya @ 11:17 PM

Hi Everyone,
After a lot of consideration and debate I have moved my site from my old hosting service (Redwoodvirtual) to I was getting sick and tired of the site going down everyday for no apparant reason. When you are at a point when you write a special script that connects to your server every 5 mins and reboots it if it can’t connect then it’s time to switch hosts…

This entry is my first entry on the new host and so far everything looks good. I am slowly moving the mySql DB’s to the new server and hope to have most of them transfered today. (In case you are wondering why I can’t do a mysqldump then the symple reason is that it doesn’t work for some reason. I get a lot of errors when I try to import it so I have to do it manually)

Well this is all for now. Will keep you posted.

Update @1:30 am:
Finished transfering all the mysql data to the new server so now the site is completely on the new server. Let me know if you find any problems.

– Suramya

July 25, 2005

Website Backend Optimized

Filed under: My Life,Website Updates — Suramya @ 11:44 PM

Finally spent some time tweaking the website backend today. Now with the new settings hopefully the server won’t die as often as before.. (Crossed fingers…). Will know by tomorrow if it worked.

Now on to try getting that stupid Javascript on gWiFi to work…

– Suramya

July 22, 2005

Website was down for a day

Filed under: My Life,Website Updates — Suramya @ 9:38 PM

As some of you might have noticed was completely down since Wednesday. It wasn’t a technical problem, what happened was that somehow when I used the control panel to reboot the LVS somehow it decided to reset itself to the default settings instead. So my webserver was set to factory default and I lost all data on it.

Not surprisingly I was pissed and left the techsupport at Redwood Virtual a pretty bad VoiceMail. Thankfully the guys there didn’t decide to ignore me due to that email and Matt from Redwood Virtual Tech support contacted me and told me that when a switch is reset they save a backup copy of it just in case. So I asked him to go ahead and restore it from backup which took a while so the site was down till they restored it.

Now that it is back up the first thing I did was backup the mysql DB and the log files. Also since its the weekend and I finally have some time I will be recompiling MySQL on the server to make it more light weight and less resource intensive. Having the MySQL server die every couple of hours is not funny or fun.

Will keep you posted.

– Suramya

July 10, 2005

Got a good response to gWiFi

Filed under: gWiFi,My Life,Software Releases,Website Updates — Suramya @ 2:24 AM

This past week has been pretty cool. Its the first time that a program I have written has gotten so much publicity. A day after I launched it the site got so popular that it brought down my webserver. Since I was out all weekend with friends I didn’t find out about it till monday (4th July) at which time I restarted the server and brought everything back up. The popularity of the site hadn’t gone down so the server went down again. So I moved gWiFi to another system and its been pretty stable so far. It did go down once yesterday but that was due to a scheduled system downtime that I didn’t know about.

Got some pretty interesting reviews on gWiFi and some pretty nice emails too. Thanks for the great feedback and reviews everyone.

Next Steps:

* Fix the map so that it doesn’t crash when a lot of points are mapped (Almost done with this. Have a few more javascript bugs to take care of and then I am done)
* Import the remaining data from Yahoo Mobile to the gWiFi DB (Yes I finished the scrapper for Yahoo Mobile)
* Create a submission page for people to submit more nodes
* Maybe move the gWifi page to a new server.

Well this is all for now. Will keep everyone posted about the status of gWiFi.

– Suramya

July 1, 2005

Launched gWiFi Ver 0.1

Filed under: gWiFi,Software Releases,Website Updates — Suramya @ 3:35 AM

I have created a webbased application called gWiFi that uses the newly released Google Map API and merges it with data from (which lists locations in US that offer free wireless internet access to the general public) and displays ithe result using the google map for ease of use/access.

The URL is: .

Currently the site only shows WiFi locations in New York but I will be adding other locations over the next few weeks. Check it out and let me know what you think.

– Suramya

June 29, 2005

Released Ver 0.2 of IM2Email

Filed under: Software Releases,Website Updates — Suramya @ 2:40 AM

Released IM2Email Ver 0.2 today.


* Added Config file support. Now the BOT can be controled using a config file
* Added logging support using Log4Perl. User can now control the logging level from a config file
* Added ability to reload the config file on the fly based on an IM message
* Added better help messages.

Also, have been talking to Brian Bittman who has created an Email2IM app like I was planning to and we both have decided to combine our programs and create a single program that does both. (This will be a modular program so you will be able to choose what modules you want to use). I am pretty excited about this oppportinity.

This shows why I like open source software, I created a program and posted it online for free download. Brian found it while surfing the net, realized that we both trying to do the same thing and could share code thus not have to re-invent the wheel. So he email’s me his program, which gives me a lot of good idea’s for stuff to add to my program. After talking agrees to work on a joint project and voila a new software is born. Time Frame: 3 days (Mostly ’cause I delayed in replying to his email)

If this was a propritary software it would have taken a lot longer for me to get permission to copy code and then it would have been full of restrictions telling me what I can and cannot do with that code and all the associated legal crap.

NEways, keep watching this space for updates, ’cause some really interesting things are going to be happening soon. I will keep you posted.


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