Staying at home is a lot of fun, but not when you are woken up really early in the morning and given neem ka juice to drink every day. So far I have had it twice and that is 2 times too many. I think my taste buds are committing suicide as I write this. 😉
Other than the daily dose of Neem life here is good, I have been working from home for the past week so that I can finish up my wedding shopping etc and thus haven’t really spent a lot of time with the family but since tomorrow is a holiday I get to spend the whole day with family. hopefully I won’t get drafted to help move stuff around as the house is being painted, furniture being polished etc etc.
Watched Tron: Legacy a couple of day ago and really liked it. Didn’t really remember a lot of the original Tron so I am sure I missed a lot of subtext but it was still a cool movie and the effects were good, the 3D wasn’t overdone and wasn’t a prop to distract viewers from the lack of a storyline (like certain other movies I can name). Want to go watch the new Narnia movie also, but lets see. The only show in Noida is at 12:30 pm and that’s a bit too early for me to go watch a movie.
Well this is all for now. Not much to say at this point. Have a wonderful Holiday season and if I don’t post again before the New years (which is quite possible) a very Happy New Year!
– Suramya