As some of you know I have been complaining about my old desktop for a while now. It was a good system for its time but it had its issues. For example, if I hooked up more than 3 harddrives to the system it would refuse to boot, if I left my USB drive connected during boot it wouldn’t start up. Too much data transfer over USB would cause the entire USB subsystem to shut down. Finally it got to the point that I couldn’t leave my Bluetooth adapter connected to USB if I wanted the system to boot. So I decided to upgrade.
Now I am the proud owner of an AMD Phenom X4 9650 Quad core processor with 2 GB of RAM. It works great. Initially I had some issues with it but now its all sorted out and the computer is super fast. The problem I faced initially was that my old hard-drives were too slow for the new motherboard and when I installed the OS on any of the old drives the system was spending anywhere from 20% to 55% of its time waiting for data from the HDD.
Now I also have a 1 TB (Terabyte) SATA drive which is very fast so I had to create a partition on it for Linux which involved moving 500GB of data to different partitions which took me almost 3 days, thanks to interruptions and slow computer speeds etc. But now that I am running off the SATA the system is superfast and responsive.
In addition to upgrading the system I have also moved to Ubuntu (from pure Debian) and am running KDE 4.x now instead of KDE 3.5. Its a bit irritating trying to figure out how to do stuff again but I am slowly getting used to the new look/feel. What I find most annoying is that it feels like they have removed features from KDE3.5 and have come to KDE4. For example in KDE3.5 I could set my konsole to be translucent and it would show my desktop but in KDE4 it shows the windows behind it. Also I can’t seem to be able to set the size of the window (80×25 lines etc) in the config.
In all there are minor irritations but over all its working the way I want it to. Mostly.
Well this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya