My Back hurts, my eye hurts, my feet hurt. Actually let me put it this way, pretty much every muscle in my body is hurting right now and I feel feverish. This had to happen just before the weekend. *groan*. Taking a hot shower followed by paracetamol helped.
To top it all I get to work tomorrow so that we get two days off for diwali instead of one day which is great. But working over the weekend is painful.
My wireless card is still not working but the IT guy is supposed to come today to take a look at the laptop and increase the RAM on the system.
I got my new desk at home and am very happy with it. It looks nice and is very comfortable to work on.
well this is all for now. Will post more later.
– Suramya
[…] just say this in one of his blog posts … My wireless card is still not working but the IT guy is supposed to come today to take a […]
Pingback by Logic2Go » Is this really Suramya, writing on Suramya’s blog? - Vinit Bhansali's blog — October 19, 2008 @ 10:18 PM
🙂 No its me allright. I was told very specifically not to open up the laptop as that would void the warranty.
If you remember the vaio I had I have been pretty much familiar with the insides of laptops. But what can I say…. The Boss is always right 😉
– Suramya
Comment by Suramya — October 20, 2008 @ 12:30 AM