Sept 20, 2011
Web2Email Ver 0.1 Released. Scripts(s)


This section contains the source code to some of the programs/scripts I have written and thought were good enough to share with you. All the programs and scripts in this section are released under the GPL Licence and I am making these programs available for free to everyone.

However I take no responsibility for any damage, data-loss, system crash, system distruction, feeble mindedness etc caused by the use of these programs. Its YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to check the programs and make sure you have backed up your system before you run any of these scripts

If you like any of these programs/scripts please do let me know, it will motivate me (probably) to write more such software. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for improvements do contact me and let me know.

Hopefully you will find some of this useful.

- Suramya
   2nd Feb 2010

Download Scripts

Below is a list of all the Scripts and programs that I have made available. Some of the links below will take you to a new page that contains the installation instructions and details about the scripts. The remaining links will start the download for the script directly. This is because some of the scripts don't require any instructions to get them to work.

Program/Script Name Last Updated Date Added Language Comments/Description
Web2Email 20th Sep 2011 20th Sep 2011 Perl Web2Email is a Perl Script that allows the user to send a message with a list of URL's to a special mail account and get back a snapshot of the websites as PDF files.
Email2IM 29th March 2010 29th March 2010 Perl Email2IM is a Perl Script that allows the user to send a message to a specified Google Talk Account by sending an email to a special account.
CollageGenerator 24th Feb 2010 04th April 2005 Perl This script uses the Yahoo Image search API to search for images on a specified topic and creates a random collage out of the resultant image set.
lifeblog2wp 11th Sep 2009 15th Aug 2009 PHP This is a plugin for WordPress that allowes you to use the Lifeblog program that was included in some Nokia phones to post entries to a WordPress blog.
Email2SMS 1st July 2009 1st July 2009 Perl Email2SMS is a Perl Script that uses gnokii (among other things) to convert an incoming email sent to a specific email address to an outbound SMS
CreateCollage 25th Nov 2008 25th Nov 2008 Bash This is a shell script to Create a collage of images using the images in the specified directory. This uses existing image files to create the collage, unlike CollageGenerator which dynamically downloads the files for the collage.

Section Update History/Change log

Current Version: 3.0
Last updated: 29th Mar 2010

Version 3.0:

  • Last updated: 29th Mar 2010
  • Removed scripts that were no longer working
  • Added new Scripts to the site for release
  • Moved the section to the new theme and cleaned up the html

Version 2.0:

  • Went through a couple of layout changes. Dead links removed

Version 1.0:

  • Released on 25th Aug 2003
  • Section created. All intitial content added
Updates and corrections

If you think that any of the infomation in this section is incorrect or you would like to suggest some changes/updates please contact me. If you have a site which is related to India and would like to add a link to it on this page, please contact me.

- Suramya
  27th Jan 2010